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Program Components

With support from USAID, CEPPS works with local, regional and global partners to build resilient, inclusive and accountable democracies.  Most recently, in 2021, CEPPS successfully competed for and received the Democratic Elections and Political Processes (DEPP) Leader with Associates award from USAID. Through this award and drawing on our global bench of experts and our long-term relationships with local partners, we offer unique solutions to some of democracy’s biggest obstacles. 

The key components of the DEPP award are: 

Technical Leadership

Technical Leadership (TL) activities focus on supporting practical, applied research or other systematic evidence building work resulting in the development of guides, tools, and training publications or videos that identify best practices and lessons learned. TLs are intended to contribute to the “public good” of the broader democracy, human rights and governance (DRG) community.   

This can look like: 

  • Exploratory research project to answer a DEPP Learning Agenda question or subquestion;
  • Designing and conducting an impact evaluation across multiple geographies, employing a similar theory of change;
  • Conducting a comparative case study across multiple countries or Associate Awards employing a similar approach or intervention; or
  • Research that involves generating a new dataset or piloting a new measurement technique across multiple programs.