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News / May 8, 2023

Annual Learning Forum


Join us for the inaugural Annual Learning Forum!

The Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS) is hosting its first “Annual Learning Forum” from May 22-25, 2023, supported by USAID’s Democratic Elections and Political Processes (DEPP) cooperative agreement. The forum will both socialize the DEPP Learning Agenda throughout the DRG sector as well as validate the final themes/questions. This week-long event will feature opening and closing ceremonies as well as two types of sessions by DEPP Learning Agenda theme.

Register to attend the “CEPPS Learning Forum” now!

Each thematic area will have a panel discussion and a validation workshop. Space in the validation workshops is limited so register soon!

Session Type 1: Panel Discussion Webinars

Tune in for a moderated panel discussion between practitioners and academics about each DEPP Learning Agenda theme and associated questions. Each panel will highlight what the DRG sector already knows related to the theme and the gaps that CEPPS seeks to fill through research, evaluation, pilots, and current programming under the DEPP Learning Agenda.

Session Type 2: Virtual Validation Workshops

Join a facilitated conversation about each DEPP Learning Agenda theme and associated questions. Validation workshop participants will be asked to reflect on the relevance and importance of each DEPP Learning Agenda theme and associated questions for democracy assistance and promotion worldwide. Participants will also consider what types of information and learning products could help to ensure that the knowledge gained through the DEPP Learning Agenda can be translated back to practice throughout the DRG sector.

Here are the thematic areas we will be exploring:

  • Inclusive Accountability through Citizen Participation in Electoral and Political Processes
  • Inclusive Accountability through Multi-Party Systems of Representation
  • Inclusive Accountability through Checks, Balances, and Oversight across Independent and Government Institutions
  • Inclusive Accountability through an Engaged Civil Society and Independent Media
  • Inclusive Accountability through Transnational Bodies and Coalitions
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