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News / March 10, 2021

CEPPS Youth DRG Cross-Sectoral Advisory Group


CEPPS is proud to announce the new Youth DRG Cross-Sectoral Advisory Group! The members include Asim Ghweiri (Jordan), Esma Gumberidze (Georgia), Santiago Rodriguez (Colombia), Sobita Gautam (Nepal), Mila Mladenova (Macedonia), Tinashe Mazala (Zambia), and Winnie Akidi Adile (Uganda).

As part of the program, the youth advisory group members will review and provide feedback on a set of cross-sectoral case studies; support the development of cross-sectoral program guidance, and design and implement a social media awareness campaign highlighting the importance of integrating cross-sectoral approaches to youth leadership and political participation across youth development sectors. Youth advisory group members will work with the CEPPS team to incorporate social behavior change and ensure the awareness campaign discusses social norms that create barriers to youth participation and encourage a more positive and constructive narrative to facilitate more enabling environments for youth participation.


Find out more about the seven members of the Youth DRG Cross-Sectoral Advisory Group here.

What is the CEPPS Youth DRG Cross-Sectoral Initiative? 


Under the USAID Global Elections and Political Transitions (GEPT) award, the Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS) is facilitating an initiative to explore the intersections of democracy, human rights, and governance (DRG) and other youth development sectors, bringing together practitioners, donors, and young leaders from across the world. This initiative is both a forum and learning community exploring cross-sectoral approaches that foster meaningful youth political participation, representation, and leadership across sectors.  

What is the CEPPS Youth Cross-Sectoral Advisory Group? 


The advisory group is six-month leadership opportunity for seven young people between the ages of 18 to 30 with a proven track record of leadership and participation across youth development sectors, including but not limited to: democracy and governance; health; peace and security; and livelihoods. Advisory group members will play a key role in expanding the knowledge and resources for designing and implementing youth-led cross-sectoral programs. 

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