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Marcia Mundt
Senior Director for Research, Evaluation and Learning

Marcia Mundt, PhD, is the Senior Director for Research, Evaluation and Learning for the Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS). She oversees the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Democratic Elections and Political Processes (DEPP) leader with associates awards research and learning agenda and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. Her research focuses on democracy promotion in fragile and post-conflict contexts to promote development, social justice, and more peaceful and prosperous communities worldwide.

Prior to working with CEPPS, Dr. Mundt was a Senior Program Officer with the Curriculum and Training Design and Learning, Evaluation, and Research teams at the United States Institute of Peace (USIP). Her academic career has included research and evaluation positions with the University of Massachusetts Boston McCormack Graduate School, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Interim Executive Solutions, the City of Cambridge, and USAID. As a practitioner, Dr. Mundt has managed capacity building, reconciliation, and community development programming domestically and abroad with organizations such as New Sector Alliance, City Year, the Corrymeela Community, and the Peace Corps.

Dr. Mundt received her BA in Government, Communication Studies, and Spanish from New Mexico State University, a MA in Peace Studies from the University of Bradford, and a MSPP and PhD in Public Policy from the University of Massachusetts Boston. Her studies have been generously supported by the US-UK Fulbright, the Fulbright-Hays program, USIP’s Jennings Randolph Peace Scholar program, and her universities’ honors, dissertation, and international research grants programs.