CEPPS works with political parties, local elected officials and civil society to improve their responsiveness to citizen interests across Moldova, create opportunities for women and youth to be politically involved and increase transparent engagement with citizens. CEPPS also supports free and fair elections in Moldova through the presence of international observers.
To accomplish this goal, CEPPS helps political parties improve internal communication, financial transparency and outreach to citizens on local issues. With regular public opinion polling and targeted trainings, CEPPS assists parties as they develop issue-based campaigns to address citizen concerns. CEPPS also emphasizes the political importance of women, youth and other underrepresented groups by equipping them to exercise leadership in their party and hold public office.
At the local level, CEPPS creates opportunities for citizens to engage with their representatives and conduct advocacy on important community issues. CEPPS provides leadership training to women, youth and other civic activists, helping them to engage with local communities and advocate for their needs to government at the local and national level. CEPPS also guides local elected leaders through grassroots citizen outreach to instill a culture of two-way communication between local leaders and their constituents.
Whether for individual citizens or mayors, for emerging political movements or established national parties, CEPPS is present to promote accountability and responsiveness in the political process.
CEPPS Key Achievements in Moldova:
As a result of CEPPS’ work in Moldova, we: