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CEPPS in Armenia

Since 2018, CEPPS has strengthened Armenia’s democratic transition by establishing more participatory, transparent, and accountable government processes.
CEPPS Overarching Goals:

CEPPS works directly with Armenia’s National Assembly, Government, the Central Election Commission, various political parties, universities, and civil society organizations (CSOs) to strengthen their capacity to address citizens’ needs in order to increase trust in democratic processes.  Together with these partners, CEPPS strives to foster participation throughout society in building an accountable and transparent democracy.

CEPPS provides guidance and support to Armenia’s electoral stakeholders as they continue efforts to improve all aspects of political and electoral processes and integrity. CEPPS offers lawmakers practical recommendations and international best practices to build consensus on enhancements of the electoral legal framework.  Similarly, CEPPS works with the Central Election Commission to implement best practices of electoral management. To inform and empower Armenian citizens to engage, CEPPS partners with advocates for increased inclusion of people with disabilities and with universities to offer innovative civic education.

Together with the Government and Parliament of Armenia, CEPPS increases the nation’s capacity for developing inclusive, data-based policy making, as well as enhancing strategic communications. CEPPS does this by offering its partners representative survey data, providing access to and building expertise with research tools, organizing Government and National Assembly staff schools, as well as assisting them in developing and implementing policies and procedures for constituency consultation and engagement. For example, CEPPS organizes committee hearings in Yerevan and in the regions, assists the Government and Parliament staff as they develop public communication strategies for human rights, and provides them relevant policy sector specific data.

CEPPS also focuses on strengthening Armenia’s Parliament by assisting various factions as they try to improve constituent outreach, communications, and policy development work.  CEPPS provides tailored assistance to political parties represented in and outside of parliament on strategic planning, outreach, and women and youth inclusion efforts.  We emphasize support for women parliamentarians to better ensure that they have the strategies and tools needed to succeed in politics.

CEPPS provides guidance and support to Armenia’s electoral stakeholders as they continue efforts to improve all aspects of political and electoral processes and integrity. CEPPS offers lawmakers practical recommendations and international best practices to build consensus on enhancements of the electoral legal framework.

CEPPS Approach:

CEPPS provides guidance and support to Armenia’s electoral stakeholders as they continue efforts to improve all aspects of political and electoral processes and integrity. CEPPS offers lawmakers practical recommendations and international best practices to build consensus on enhancements of the electoral legal framework.  Similarly, CEPPS works with the Central Election Commission to implement best practices of electoral management. To inform and empower Armenian citizens to engage, CEPPS partners with advocates for increased inclusion of people with disabilities and with universities to offer innovative civic education.

Together with the Government and Parliament of Armenia, CEPPS increases the nation’s capacity for developing inclusive, data-based policy making, as well as enhancing strategic communications. CEPPS does this by offering its partners representative survey data, providing access to and building expertise with research tools, organizing Government and National Assembly staff schools, as well as assisting them in developing and implementing policies and procedures for constituency consultation and engagement. For example, CEPPS organizes committee hearings in Yerevan and in the regions, assists the Government and Parliament staff as they develop public communication strategies for human rights, and provides them relevant policy sector specific data.

CEPPS also focuses on strengthening Armenia’s Parliament by assisting various factions as they try to improve constituent outreach, communications, and policy development work.  CEPPS provides tailored assistance to political parties represented in and outside of parliament on strategic planning, outreach, and women and youth inclusion efforts.  We emphasize support for women parliamentarians to better ensure that they have the strategies and tools needed to succeed in politics.

CEPPS Key Achievements in Armenia:

Today Armenians enjoy expanded electoral and political opportunities in an improved democratic process:

  • Poll workers trained in 2018 ahead of local and parliamentary elections used customized CEPPS training materials, including a first-of-its-kind module on inclusive procedures.
  • Key legislative reforms advanced by the National Assembly on issues like political finance and political party regulations through inclusive discussions among all political stakeholders.
  • Increased participation by youth and marginalized groups due to efforts by universities and the Central Election Commission to reach broader audiences throughout the year, even during non-election periods.

Communications and constituent outreach are stronger throughout Armenia’s Government and Parliament today and include:

  • Full integration of policy research and data analysis into the national decision-making process.
  • Broadened public outreach and countering-disinformation campaigns due to the betterment of government and parliamentary staffs’ digital media skills.
  • Quick growth in the level and effectiveness of public engagement among members of the National Assembly through constituent consultations held to discuss issues in need of critical reform including public education, human rights, environmental policies, elections, and party financing.
  • Dozens of Members of Parliament engaged constituents through online town halls, garnering more than 60,000 views to date. To ensure these outreach and policy initiatives reflect citizen priorities, factions, and political parties use our public opinion research results.
  • Pre-election, voter education programming produced by prominent national media outlets including Public TV Armenia, Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty Armenian Service, included one-on-one interviews with party leaders and thematic debates. This programming culminated into an eleven-candidate debate on December 5th, 2018 that fostered political competition and bolster direct public engagement.
  • Thanks to CEPPS’s assistance roadmaps, four out of five major parties in Armenia are now undertaking initiatives to modernize democratic party practices and structures.
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