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News / April 19, 2024

2024 Annual Learning Forum


The Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS) hosted the second “Annual Learning Forum” from May 20-21, 2024, supported by the USAID-funded Democratic Elections and Political Processes (DEPP) cooperative agreement.


Building Trust Through Credible Communications: A Guide for Effective Election Management Bodies’ Outreach to Political Parties

CEPPS core partners IFES and NDI present the findings of a DEPP Technical Leadership Project titled “Practical Guidelines for Strengthening EMB and Political Party Relationships Through Improved Communications and Coordination.”  


  • IFES: Dr. Fernanda Buril, Deputy Director of the Center for Applied Research and Learning 
  • NDI: Slobodan Milic, Senior Advisor for Political Party Programs 

This event was moderated by IRI’s Marian Ware and featured a discussion with IFES’s Dr. Staffan Darnolf, IRI’s Jessica Keegan, and NDI’s Mario Mitre.


Digital Detection: Using Technology to Understand and Respond to Corruption

CEPPS partners IFES, CIPE, D-ARCH and Internews, as well as representatives from UPENN’s DevLab and the Brookings Institution, present two new research projects being launched under DEPP. The first is a Technical Leadership project titled “Mixed-Methods Approach to Distinguishing Genuine from Self-Serving Anticorruption Campaigns, and the second is a Pilot Project titled “Effective Approaches to Building Multi-Stakeholder Action Against Transnational Corruption in Elections”.


  • IFES: Richard Nash, Senior Global Advisor for Anti-Corruption  
  • CIPE: Frank Brown, Director of the Anti-Corruption & Governance Center 
  • D-Arch: Brigitte Seim, Principal Investigator 
  • Internews: Rosie Parkyn, Global Director of Impact
  • Brookings: Dr. Ross Hammond, Director, Center on Social Dynamics and Policy & Senior Fellow, Economic Studies
  • DevLab@Penn: Dr. Diego Romero, Consultant

This event was moderated by CIPE’s Kim Bettcher and featured a discussion with USAID’s Amy Selzer, IRI’s Eguiar Lizundia, and ABA ROLI’s Lemarque Campell.


Mobilizing Against Kleptocracy: Lessons from Collective Action Movements

CEPPS partners IRI and CIPE present on the interim findings of a DEPP Technical Leadership Project titled “Identifying Successful Collective Action Approaches Against Kleptocracy.  The project explored the factors that contributed to the success or failure of collective action efforts to fight kleptocratic capture.


  • IRI: Eguiar Lizundia, Senior Advisor for Governance and Anti-Corruption 
  • CIPE: Frank Brown, Director of the Anti-Corruption & Governance Center 

This event was moderated by NDI’s Ramsey Rodriguez Vergara and featured a discussion with IFES’s Richard Nash and NDI’s Kristen Sample.

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