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News / November 23, 2020

Inclusion For All: Enabling Equal Access to Political Processes, Part II


INCLUSION FOR ALL: Enabling Equal Access to Political Process


Friday, November 20, 2020, 9 AM ET

Around the world, marginalized groups, including ethnic minorities, youth, and women, face disproportionate challenges to equitable and meaningful participation in political and electoral processes. CEPPS is currently supporting several local and regional civil society organizations (CSOs) globally through projects that seek to empower members of traditionally marginalized communities, including persons with youth and ethnic minorities, in political life. On November 20, 2020, CEPPS was joined by the democracy, human rights, and governance (DRG) community in the second of a two-part series of virtual conversations with representatives from three of these local CSOs working to empower individuals from marginalized communities in political life. In this webinar, CEPPS explored: barriers to and opportunities for participation of Roma communities in Albania, Pygmy populations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and young women in Tanzania; the unique ways in which each organization has worked to eliminate challenges; and adaptations to each organization’s work in response to the additional challenges facing marginalized groups in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please find a recording of our event below:


  • Ismail Biro – Tanzania Bora Initiative, Tanzania
  • Bledar Taho – Institute of Romani Culture in Albania
  • Abbé Hilaire Ndjondjo – Commission Diocésaine Justice et Paix (CDJP)/Mbandaka, Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Moderated by: Alyson Kozma, CEPPS Inclusion Specialist, and David Sands, CEPPS Capacity Building Specialist

For more information, follow us on Twitter @CEPPS. For event Tweeting, please use the hashtag: #Inclusion4All

This event is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through CEPPS. Established in 1995, CEPPS pools the expertise of three premier international organizations dedicated to democratic development: IFES, the International Republican Institute and National Democratic Institute. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

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